WP6: Renewable energy and energy efficiency
Aarhus Municipality is the lead beneficiary of WP6 in collaboration with Region of South Denmark.
About the Work Package

WP6 address climate change mitigation through a specific focus on renewable energy and energyefficiency. Aarhus Municipality is the lead beneficiary of WP6 in collaboration with Region of South Denmark.
The participating municipal beneficiaries are: Herning Municipality, Høje-Taastrup Municipality, Kalundborg Municipality, København Municipality, Lemvig Municipality, Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality, Mariager Municipality, Middelfart Municipality, Næstved Municipality, Randers Municipality, Skive Municipality, and Aarhus Municipality.
The activities in WP6 include:
- The development of strategic energy plans and a strategic energy platform.
- Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings.
- Utilizing surplus heat.