About the Work Package

WP5 addresses climate change mitigation through a specific focus on the agricultural sector in Denmark. Region Zealand Denmark is the lead beneficiary of WP5 in collaboration with Central Denmark Region.

The participating municipal beneficiaries are: Brønderslev Municipality, Herning Municipality, Hjørring Municipality, Horsens Municipality, Kalundborg Municipality, Morsø Municipality, Odsherred Municipality, Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality, Ringsted Municipality, Samsø Municipality, Skive Municipality, Thisted Municipality, Varde Municipality, Aalborg Municipality, and Aarhus Municipality.

The activities in WP5 include:

  • The development of smoother municipal case processing concerning pyrolysis and biochar.
  • Climate resilient farming to increase the sustainability of agricultural practices.
  • Forestry and afforestation aimed at expanding the forest network across Denmark.