LIFE ACT is a partnership between regions and municipalities that will accelerate climate action throughout Denmark.

Background to the LIFE ACT

All of Denmark's 98 municipalities have climate action plans compatible with the Paris Agreement.

This is an important step towards making the necessary decisions to mitigate new climate changes and ensure adaptation to the climate changes we know are coming. The municipalities have allocated funds for actions based on their climate action plans. However, a number of barriers delay or prevent necessary measures from being initiated.

LIFE ACT is created to act on this.
This include: 

  • Money to develop solutions that do not yet exist.
  • Better collaboration on how existing solutions can be adapted to current needs. 
  • Development of a better framework for collaboration across disciplines and geography.

Faster deployment

LIFE ACT will accelerate the implementation of municipal climate action plans nationally. We will do this by creating partnerships composed of all relevant stakeholders. The project focuses on the problems that the individual municipality cannot solve, but which can only be solved in broader collaborations.

The name, LIFE ACT, indicates that the project is seeking funding from the EU's LIFE program. ACT stands for Action for Climate Transition.

The project has applied for a total budget of just over DKK 200 million (apprx. € 27 mil.) with a 60% grant from the EU LIFE program. The project is planned to last eight years.

The organization of LIFE ACT

Behind the project are the five Danish regions, 27 Danish municipalities and the Central Denmark EU Office (CDEU).

The Central Denmark Region is the lead partner in the project.

The task of the five regions in the LIFE ACT is to:

  • Facilitate collaboration across municipalities
  • Contribute to knowledge and experience being gained and disseminated in order to create the greatest possible capacity building for all relevant actors

The 27 municipalities participating in the project are distributed throughout the country.

LIFE ACT will work with the specific issues that the 27 municipalities have in connection with the implementation of the municipal climate action plans. We work in broad collaborations. The best competencies are brought into play to find the best solutions, and the municipalities themselves participate actively in the dissemination of the experience gained.

The CDEU's role is in particular to help provide funding for the projects that will need to be implemented following the LIFE ACT. It can be further exploratory or developmental projects, but it can also be construction projects that the municipalities or landowners cannot finance themselves.

Partners in the project

  • Central Denmark Region (lead)
  • Region North Jutland
  • Region of Southern Denmark
  • Region Zealand
  • Capital Region of Denmark
  • Central Denmark EU Office
  • Aalborg Municipality
  • Aarhus Municipality
  • Brønderslev Municipality
  • Copenhagen Municipality
  • Frederiksberg Municipality
  • Frederikssund Municipality
  • Furesø Municipality
  • Herning Municipality
  • Hjørring Municipality
  • Høje-Taastrup Municipality
  • Kalundborg Municipality
  • Lemvig Municipality
  • Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality
  • Mariagerfjord Municipality
  • Middelfart Municipality
  • Morsø Municipality
  • Municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern
  • Nyborg Municipality
  • Næstved Municipality
  • Odsherred Municipality
  • Randers Municipality
  • Ringsted Municipality
  • Samsø Municipality
  • Skive Municipality
  • Thisted Municipality
  • Varde Municipality
  • Vejen Municipality
  • Vejle Municipality

Associated Partners

  • Aalborg University
  • Aarhus University
  • Aarhus School of Architecture
  • CONCITO – Denmark's green think tank
  • Danish Hydrological Institute 
  • Danish Meteorological Institute 
  • Danish Technological Institute
  • Design School Kolding 
  • Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland 
  • IT University in Copenhagen  
  • Roskilde University 
  • SEGES Innovation P/S 
  • SDU Climate Cluster
  • Technical University of Denmark 
  • University College of Northern Denmark 
  • University of Copenhagen 
  • VIA University College 
  • Danish Road Directorate 
  • Danish Nature Agency
  • Coastal Authority
  • Danish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Danish Energy Agency
  • Greater Copenhagen EU Office 
  • South Denmark European Office 
  • Aabenraa Municipality
  • Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality 
  • Fanø Municipality
  • Fredericia Municipality
  • Frederiksberg Municipality
  • Furesø Municipality
  • Gladsaxe Municipality 
  • Greve Municipality
  • Helsingør Municipality
  • Herlev Municipality
  • Hillerød Municipality
  • Holbæk Municipality
  • Ikast-Brande Municipality
  • Jammerbugt Municipality 
  • Kerteminde Municipality
  • Kolding Municipality 
  • Læsø Municipality
  • Nordfyns Municipality
  • Odder Municipality 
  • Skanderborg Municipality 
  • Sorø Municipality
  • Stevns Municipality
  • Syddjurs Municipality 
  • Viborg Municipality 
  • Vordingborg Municipality


Dorthe W. Selmer


Mobil: +45 3053 9544
